Blog Articles

Making Learning Stick – design relevant and purposeful initiatives

After several decades working in adult and professional learning I’ve learned a few things my self. The following 12 tips can help you create meaningful and practical learning initiatives with messages that ‘stick’. Using these tips can truly create a transformational...

What do we mean by courage: When have you been courageous as a facilitator?

You’ve got to get a challenging group loosened up. You’d planned an informal light-hearted ‘icebreaker’. Suddenly your confidence wanes, your centre dissolves, the uncertainty creates a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Do you go ahead with the activity or...

Build your Personal Resilience

It's human nature to resist change, particularly when it comes in the form of adversity or challenge. Our ability to cope with stress and to spring back and overcome adversity is a measure of our resilience. Building resilience requires that we pay attention to the...

Accountability: It’s not about the forms. Lessons from the Humanitarian Sector

Being accountable for end results is not a new concept in the business world. However in the not for profit and especially humanitarian sectors accountability is a current buzzword. This is partly because of the recent global economic crisis that has seen donations to...